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Maria Paula Vásquez Bazurto

Universidad De La Sabana





Since I was in the tenth grade, I intensified my studies beyond the usual with the purpose of standing out and obtaining a scholarship because I was clear that my vocation was to study Medicine, but I was worried that my family would not have the necessary resources. Despite the voices that claimed it was a difficult and almost impossible goal to achieve, I managed to enter the program. As I progressed, my love for helping others grew so much that it surpassed my original goal.

Later on, while participating in workshops designed to support other students in excelling academically, I had the opportunity to meet exceptional people who introduced me to the OCMAES Foundation. This organization noticed my qualities and my need for financial support, and today, my family and I are deeply grateful for the generous backing I receive. I am committed to always giving my best to fulfill my dreams.

Maria Paula Vásquez Bazurto

Credit Card, Debit Card and PSE

Only Credit Card

Only for Grupo Amarey Employees




"Education is the beacon that guides our lives towards a bright future."

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